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Ofertes obertes

Tenim convocatòries obertes tot l'any, sempre estem buscant noves persones per unir-se al nostre equip!

Més avall podeu trobar les vacants actuals a l'Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona. Podeu llegir cada document per comprovar si s'ajusta al vostre perfil i contactar amb la persona responsable per mostrar el vostre interès.

Sempre estem buscant noves persones per fer treballs finals de grau o màster, estudiants per al doctorat o personal investigador postdoctoral i tècnic per unir-se al nostre equip de gairebé 200 persones. Si teniu algun dubte, podeu escriure a Recursos Humans: rrhh@imb-cnm.csic.es.

Predoctoral researchers at IMB-CNM

TFG/TFM (estudiants de Grau i Màster)

TFG / TFM | Commissioning of a readout electronics for the characterization of silicon carbide radiation detectors TFG / TFM | Development of a FAIR Data Repository and Implementation of FAIR Data Principles TFG / TFM | A High-Resolution Audio ADC IP Block in 22-nm CMOS Technology for RISC-V Systems-on-Chip TFG | Characterization of a CMOS Random Telegraph Noise Test Chip TFG | Characterization of a Smart ISFET CMOS Imager TFM | Design and fabrication of semiconductor spin qubits for quantum computing TFM | Energy Harvesting Integrated Circuit for Microbial Fuel Cells TFG /TFM | Fabrication, assembly and characterization of micro-thermoelectric generators TFG / TFM | Heat exchanger packaging strategies for micro-thermoelectric generators assembly and characterization TFM | Implantable Lock-In Imager in 180-nm CMOS Technology for the Continuous Monitoring of Perivascular Adipose Tissue TFM | Implementation of ion-sensitive membranes on graphene FETs TFM | Low-Power Neuromorphic Processor Design for Smart Lab-on-CMOS Devices TFM | Low-power readout circuits for smart microelectronic noses TFM | Micro/nano cells for 'in situ' measurements in synchrotron experiments TFG | Modular microfluidic system for the automated measurement of priority pollutants in surface waters (at GTQ) TFM | Open-source design methodology for AMS integrated circuits TFM | Optomechanical sensors with mechanochromic response for biosensing TFM | Selective functionalization of graphene transistors for biomedical applications TFM | Surface Modification of Substrates with self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) TFG / TFM | Sustainable and Digital battery sensors

Puesto de técnico/a especializado/a abierto a concurso específico para la provisión de puestos de trabajo

Tareas de laboratorio y de apoyo especializado a la investigación, en concreto: realización y verificación de depósitos estándares y avanzados y caracterización de capas delgadas en la sala blanca de micro- y nano-fabricación del IMB-CNM.

Puede consultarse en BOE (Disposición 25441 del BOE núm. 299 de 2023) y en sede electrónica.