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Postdoctoral Opportunities

We have positions with funding from European, Spanish and Catalan administrations.

IMB-CNM supports the postdoc career development comprehensively: encouraging them to lead research projects and proposals; guaranteeing their research support by intertwining with their group; and providing training in methods for both technical-scientific and transversal soft skills. IMB-CNM brings them high skills and challenges for becoming key actors in international projects and contracts.

Some positions that are available are:

  • Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Juan de la Cierva (Young Post Docs grant).
  • Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Ramon y Cajal (5-years Tenure track contract).
  • MSCA co-financed grants from the Catalan Agency of Innovation: Tecniospring.
  • Catalan Government: Beatriu de Pinós.

You can check out the CSIC in Catalunya site and the CSIC for more open calls and positions.

Check the "Research career path in Spain at a glance" made by FECYT.

postdoc positions
senior researchers
percentage of women postdoc researchers