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About the center

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) is a well positioned research center to be the best partner both for the development of new Micro and Nano Technologies, Components and Systems (which are considered Key Enabling Technologies -KET’s- by the European Commission) and also for the application of such technologies to the solution of the Societal Challenges that the European citizens are facing now.

The main activities of IMB-CNM is basic and applied research and development, education and training in micro and nanotechnologies, components and systems. Its mission is to improve the knowledge and to contribute to the implementation of solutions based in these technologies in new products, for solving societal challenges. It is accredited as a María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence by the State Research Agency (2024-2028).

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) has many committees and working groups to support the executive and governing bodies of the institute.

IMB-CNM is located in Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), on the Campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), which is a privileged environment for both basic and applied/industrial research. It is surrounded by other research centres and research facilities, such as ICN2, ICMAB, CRAG, IFAE, ALBA Synchrotron, etc. forming one of the most important scientific and technological hubs of southern Europe.

Welcome to our website. We hope that you will find here all you would like to know about the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) and also that you use it to contact us for any queries or suggestions.

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) is structured in governing bodies, executive bodies and advisory and support bodies. The research activity is developed in the groups, distributed in two departments: Micro and Nano Systems (DMN) and Systems Integration (DIS).

The IMB-CNM is a dynamic research centre which welcomes new people every day. We have research staff, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and Undergradute or Master's students finishing their final dissertations; there is also many people working in Administration supporting the research, such as IT, management, maintenance, Technology transfer, project management and many other tasks. You will find everyone on this site.

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) is the largest center in Spain dedicated to the research and development of Micro and Nano Technologies (MNTs) for electronic applications, with unique capabilities in silicon technology and complementary or related materials for chip manufacturing, both for microsystems and integrated circuits. It belongs to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since its foundation in 1985 and it is accredited as a María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence by the State Research Agency (2024-2028).

The IMB-CNM, as a CSIC center, is an institution included within the subjective scope of application of the Act 19/2013 of transparency, access to public information and good government. As expressed in the explanatory statement, the law has as one of its objectives to increase and reinforce the transparency in public activity that is articulated through the obligations of active advertising.