MICRONANOFABS is a Clean Room Network devoted to Micro and Nano Manufacturing where the IMB-CNM Integrated Clean Room is part of it.
Since 2014, the ICTS-SB-CSIC it is one of the three nodes of the MICRONANOFABS ICTS Network, the Unique Science and Technology Infrastructure (ICTS) supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU), together with the Clean-Room from ISOM-UPM and the one from NTC-UPV.
The MICRONANOFABS Network offers a single and unique open and competitive access to the capabilities of the three nodes. The Network broadens the technological offer in the fields of Micro and Nano Fabrication, Photonics and Material and Device Characterisation.
Within the MICRONANOFABS structure, the CSIC’s Clean-Room at IMB-CNM offers its know-how on:
- Fabrication of devices and electronic circuits.
- Physical and electrical characterisation of electronic components, MEMS/NEMS, sensors, actuators, Lab-on-Chip, integrated circuits and smart systems.
- Packaging of electronic components.
- Training activities on micro and nanoelectronics.
- Dissemination and outreach on micro and nanoelectronics.
Complete information of the technologies offered by the ICTS-SBCNM at IMB-CNM is available here.
A summary of the processes offered by the three nodes of MICRONANOFABS, at the IMB-CNM, ISOM-UPM and at the NTC-UPV facilities can be found here.
To have access to the Clean-Room facilities and technologies at IMB-CNM or to any other node of the MICRONANOFABS Network the applicant has to follow the Open Access Mode defined by MICINN. There is an unique on-line access form available at the web page of the MICRONANOFABS Network.
You may also contact directly the IMB-CNM ICTS Clean-Room Manager at icts@imb-cnm.csic.es, if your requirements do not fit with the technological offer of MICRONANOFABS.