IMB-CNM is member of a variety of national and international clusters, research parks, technological platforms, industrial associations and research networks.
The IMB-CNM is a member of many research platforms through its groups and researchers. These networks are a way of creating a consortium of leading industries, research centres, education institutions and public organisms through collaboration; they are born to integrate the different agents working towards a same goal in one specific area. This is a summary of the platforms we are currently a part of:
The main international ones are:
- Association for European Nano Elencronics Activities
- A Toroidal Apparatus Experiment
- European Organization for Nuclear Research
- Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment
- Iberoamerican Programme on Science and Technology for the Development
- European Center for Power Electronics
- European Photonic Industry Consortium
- European Silicon Photonics Alliance
- The European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration
- International Micro and Nano Engineering Society
- Large Hadron Collider beauty
- Organic Electronics Association
- The European Technology Platform on Photonics
- Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders
- Security Research Map
The main national ones are:
- Asociación Española de la Industria de Semiconductores
- Barcelona Nanotechnology Cluster (Bellaterra)
- Center for Biomedical Research on Network
- Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear
- Spanish Technological Platform on Photonics
- Plataforma Española de Redes Eléctricas
- Spanish network on nano and microsystems
- Infraestructura de producción y caracterización de nanopartículas, biomateriales y sistemas en biomedicina
- Spanish Network on Lithography
- Plataforma Española de Nanomedicina
- Spanish Network on Nanoelectronics Variability
- PEC4
- Spanish Cluster on Printed Electronics
- Spanish technological platform for the adoption and diffusion of electronics, information and communication technologies
- Spanish Society on Sensorial Sciences
- Spanish Network on Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnologies
- TECNIO seal, awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ (group GTQ)
- Research Park of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Xarxa R+D+I per la Supercomputació a Catalunya
- R+D+I Network Energy for Society