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D+T Microelectrónica, A.I.E.

D+T Microelectrónica A.I.E. is an Association of Economic Interest in charge of the commercial exploitation of IMB-CNM’s Clean Room. Its mission is providing the microelectronics industry with turnkey solutions.


The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is its majority partner and  its industrial partners are: Mondragón Componentes S. Coop, Agbar (Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A.) and Alter Technology Ventures, S.L.

The Clean Room for Micro and Nano fabrication (SBCNM) is a Large Scale Facility (Unique Science and Technology Infrastructure, ICTS) dedicated to the development and application of innovative technologies in the field of Nano and Microelectronics. It is the only facility of this kind in Spain and one of the few in Europe.

D+T Microelectrónica A.I.E. offers its expertise, based on 30 years of activity of the IMB-CNM researchers, to the industry necessity. Its value chain includes technology adaptation to the application proposed by the costumer, layout design, manufacturing and characterization of prototypes and/or final products. 

The areas of design and testing, coupled with the production of chips in silicon technology, enable the manufacture of integrated circuits, special devices and microsystems tailored to their needs. The evolution, from conventional electronics to microelectronic technology, is a valuable alternative that enables industry to achieve the performance and costs necessary to keep their products competitive.

Microelectronic technology assists in obtaining extra added value which enables improvements in the competitiveness of their products and, in some cases, assures the future viability of the same.
