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The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) is the largest center in Spain dedicated to the research and development of Micro and Nano Technologies (MNTs) for electronic applications, with unique capabilities in silicon technology and complementary or related materials for chip manufacturing, both for microsystems and integrated circuits. It belongs to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since its foundation in 1985.

An overview of IMB-CNM

IMB-CNM is located in Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), on the Campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), which is a privileged environment for both basic and applied/industrial research. It is a member of the Barcelona Nanotecnology Cluster-Bellaterra. The IMB-CNM as part of CSIC is also a member of the UAB Research Park.

IMB-CNM mission is to perform applied research based on micro and nanotechnologies, mainly focused towards the development of components and micro and nano systems. IMB-CNM aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and to the economic and social development of society, as well as to the training of researchers and engineers and to the advice to public and private entities.

Intelligent miniaturized systems, eventually with integrated electronic, photonic, mechanical components and circuits, play an important role in society. Research, development and application of miniaturized components and systems will improve the health and well-being of people, help control environmental conditions, save and improve efficient management of energy. IMB-CNM aims to be a recognized contributor in exploring and developing micro and nanotechnologies for the realization of miniaturized components and systems. Its experience in micro and nanotechnologies enables IMB-CNM to lead projects ranging from academic research to industrial contracts, in an international environment.

The R&D activities of IMB-CNM are complemented with training of students, researchers and engineers and with technology transfer to companies.

IMB-CNM also participates in Spanish and International Technology Platforms and Networks of Excellence and has established collaborative agreements with various universities and research centres, to which it offers cooperation in their R&D activities and also access to manufacturing technologies through the "Integrated Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room". This infrastructure has been recognized by the Ministry of Science and Innovation with the National label of large-scale infrastructure (Unique Science and Technology Infrastructures - ICTS).

Key Figures

people (35% women)
patents per year
scientific articles published in SCI journals per year
spin-off companies created
million euros of budget (50% of competitive projects and contracts, 60% of them international)

Our mission is to improve the knowledge in micro and nanosystems and to contribute to solve societal challenges through the implementation of solutions based in these technologies in new products.

IMB-CNM Brochure