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Laboratori de Caracterització Tèrmica

El Laboratori de Caracterització Tèrmica cobreix tots els aspectes relacionats amb la gestió tèrmica, la caracterització electrotèrmica local i els estudis de fiabilitat i robustesa abordats a la sub-línia d’investigació d’Integr

Thermal Characterization Laboratory

The Thermal Characterization Laboratory covers all aspects concerning experimentation in thermal management, local electro-thermal characterization, and reliability/ruggedness studies addressed in IMB-CNM’s Power Systems Integration and Reliability research sub-line.

Laboratorio de Caracterización Térmica

El Laboratorio de Caracterización Térmica cubre todos los aspectos relacionados con la gestión térmica, la caracterización electrotérmica local y los estudios de fiabilidad y robustez abordados en la sublínea de investigación de Integración de Sistemas de Potencia y

NEP: Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis - Europe PILOT

NEST: An iNteropErable multidomain CBRN SysTem

Ultrabroadband light absorbing Fe/polymer flexible metamaterial for soft opto-mechanical devices

Ultrabroadband light absorbers are attracting increasing interest for applications in energy harvesting, photodetection, self-regulated devices or soft robotics.

Engineering Tissue Barrier Models on Hydrogel Microfluidic Platforms

Tissue barriers play a crucial role in human physiology by establishing tissue compartmentalization and regulating organ homeostasis.

Gut-on-a-chip: Mimicking and monitoring the human intestine

Over the last few years, the intestine has been extensively studied using in vitro microfluidic systems, commonly known as gut-on-a-chip (GOC) devices.

i-ELPHOS: Integrated Electrophotonic Sensor

i-ELPHOS: Integrated Electrophotonic Sensor

The i-ELPHOS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801342 (Tecniospring INDUSTRY) and the Government of Catalonia's Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ).