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The IMB-CNM collaborates in a project to set the strategic lines of integrated photonics in the industry

Researchers from the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona participate in WOW-2D, an industrial research project in collaboration between companies and research organizations, to set the strategic lines in the field of in


El IMB-CNM colabora en un proyecto para marcar las líneas estratégicas de la fotónica integrada en la industria

Personal investigador del Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona participa en WOW-2D, un proyecto de investigación industrial, en colaboración entre empresas y organismos de investigación, para marcar las líneas estratégicas en el campo de la fotónica integrada.


Elastic Plasmonic-Enhanced Fabry–Pérot Cavities with Ultrasensitive Stretching Tunability

The emerging stretchable photonics field faces challenges, like the robust integration of optical elements into elastic matrices or the generation of large optomechanical effects.


Soft Optomechanical Systems for Sensing, Modulation, and Actuation

Soft optomechanical systems have the ability to reversibly respond to optical and mechanical external stimuli by changing their own properties (e.g., shape, size, viscosity, stiffness, color or transmittance).


AGRARSENSE project develops cutting edge technology solutions for sustainable agriculture and forestry

Small, mid-sized and large enterprises join forces with RTOs to develop state-of-the-art technological solutions in electronic components and systems. R&D includes sensors, related integration, software, connectivity, and data management.


IMB-CNM Talks: Opto-magnetic nanodevices for wireless actuation & detection


El CSIC prorroga fins a juny el termini del concurs per a estudiants Un microxip molt gran

L'Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona prorroga el termini d'enviament de propostes per al concurs de microelectrònica “Un microxip molt gran” fins a finals de juny i la cerimònia de lliurament de premis se celebrarà a inicis de setembre.


The CSIC extends the deadline for the contest for students Un microchip muy grande until June

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona extends the deadline for submitting proposals for the microelectronics contest "Un microchip muy grande" until the end of June and the awards ceremony will be held at the beginning of September.


El CSIC prorroga hasta junio el plazo del concurso para estudiantes Un microchip muy grande

El Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona prorroga el plazo de envío de propuestas para el concurso de microelectrónica "Un microchip muy grande" hasta finales de junio y la ceremonia de entrega de premios se celebrará a inicios de septiembre.


L'Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona lidera un projecte per desenvolupar plataformes de xips per al control de cèl·lules neuronals

El projecte LAB4CELL desenvoluparà sensors per mesurar Paràmetres bioquímics com pH, CO2, O2 dissolt, glucosa i lactat en Cèl·lules neuronals.
