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APL Energy Seminar


06 jun 2023
10.00 - 13:00

Joint seminar organized by ICN2, ICMAB and IMB-CNM.

  • 10:00 - ICN2 - Hybrid Event - Register HERE to attend online
    • APL Energy: bridging the gap between groundbreaking research and technological innovation (15 min).
    • How to start writing your paper (15 min).
  • 11:00 - ICMAB - Hybrid Event - Register HERE to attend online
    • APL Energy: bridging the gap between groundbreaking research and technological innovation (15 min).
    • Increasing the visibility and impact of your research (15 min).
  • 12:00 - IMB-CNM- In Person only
    • APL Energy: bridging the gap between groundbreaking research and technological innovation (15 min).
    • How to start writing your paper (15 min).

APL Energy: Bridging the gap between groundbreaking research and technological innovation

Prof. Mónica Lira-Cantú, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Barcelona (Spain), Editor in Chief, APL Energy.

I will introduce you to a new journal from AIP Publishing: APL Energy, where I am Editor-in-Chief. I will present the scientific vision of the journal, introduce you to its main objectives and article types. APL Energy will feature research related to energy and the integration of different energy technologies. It covers different areas of energy research and applications, from materials for energy and energy sources, applications of energy generation, storage and harvesting, including renewable energy and sustainability. I will also introduce a new article type, the “Proof of Concept and Prototypes”, a brief description of an already demonstrated or intellectual property (IP) protected idea and its pathway to commercial viability. We welcome your submissions to the journal!

Increasing the visibility and impact of your research

Dr. Shriyaa Mittal, Journal Manager, AIP Publishing (USA).

Getting your research seen, read, and appreciated is becoming increasingly important. Getting published is only the first step in getting yourself and your research noticed. In this talk, I will share valuable tips and facts around publishing that researchers can use to increase the visibility and impact of their research and raise their profile internationally.

How to start writing your paper

Dr. Shriyaa Mittal, Journal Manager, AIP Publishing (USA).

Well-organized and clearly written papers are key to communication of scientific ideas. Readers should be excited by the title and abstract, drawn into the topic by the introduction, and appreciative of the wider significance after reading the discussion. There are many ways to approach writing and several different structures that can be used. In this talk, I will provide strategies to begin drafting your paper and discuss common mistakes to avoid.

APL Seminar on June 6th at UAB