Journal Papers 2012
1. Abad, L., F. J. del Campo, F. X. Munoz, L. J. Fernandez, D. Calavia, G. Colom, J. P. Salvador, M. P. Marco, V. Escamilla-Gomez, B. E. F. de Avila, S. Campuzano, M. Pedrero, J. M. Pingarron, N. Godino, R. Gorkin, and J. Ducree.
Design and Fabrication of a Cop-Based Microfluidic Chip: Chronoamperometric Detection of Troponin T.
Electrophoresis 33, no. 21 (2012): 3187-94.
2. Aceves-Mijares, M., A. A. Gonzalez-Fernandez, R. Lopez-Estopier, A. Luna-Lopez, D. Berman-Mendoza, A. Morales, C. Falcony, C. Dominguez, and R. Murphy-Arteaga.
On the Origin of Light Emission in Silicon Rich Oxide Obtained by Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Journal of Nanomaterials, 890701 (2012).
3. Akiba, K., M. Artuso, R. Badman, A. Borgia, R. Bates, F. Bayer, M. van Beuzekom, J. Buytaert, E. Cabruja, M. Campbell, P. Collins, M. Crossley, R. Dumps, L. Eklund, D. Esperante, C. Fleta, A. Gallas, M. Gandelman, J. Garofoli, M. Gersabeck, V. V. Gligorov, H. Gordon, E. H. M. Heijne, V. Heijne, D. Hynds, M. John, A. Leflat, L. F. Llin, X. Llopart, M. Lozano, D. Maneuski, T. Michel, M. Nicol, M. Needham, C. Parkes, G. Pellegrini, R. Plackett, T. Poikela, E. Rodrigues, G. Stewart, J. C. Wang, and Z. Xing.
Charged Particle Tracking with the Timepix ASIC.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 661, no. 1 (2012): 31-49.
4. Albert, J., …, C. Fleta, …, M. Lozano, …, G. Pellegrini, …, D. Quirion, and Atlas IBL Collaboration.
Prototype Atlas IBL Modules Using the Fe-I4a Front-End Readout Chip.
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (2012).
5. Alonso, A., X. Munoz-Berbel, N. Vigues, J. Macanas, M. Munoz, J. Mas, and D. N. Muraviev.
Characterization of Fibrous Polymer Silver/Cobalt Nanocomposite with Enhanced Bactericide Activity.
Langmuir 28, no. 1 (2012): 783-90.
6. Alonso, A., X. Munoz-Berbel, N. Vigues, R. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, J. Macanas, J. Mas, M. Munoz, and D. N. Muraviev.
Intermatrix Synthesis of Monometallic and Magnetic Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticles with Bactericidal Activity on Anionic Exchange Polymers.
RSC Advances 2, no. 11 (2012): 4596-99.
7. Altuna, A., L. M. de la Prida, E. Bellistri, G. Gabriel, A. Guimera, J. Berganzo, R. Villa, and L. J. Fernandez.
SU-8 Based Microprobes with Integrated Planar Electrodes for Enhanced Neural Depth Recording.
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 37, no. 1 (2012): 1-5.
8. Ayala, N., J. Martin-Martinez, R. Rodriguez, M. B. Gonzalez, M. Nafria, X. Aymerich, and E. Simoen.
Characterization and Spice Modeling of the CHC Related Time-Dependent Variability in Strained and Unstrained PMOSFETs.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 9-10 (2012): 1924-27.
9. Banu, V., P. Godignon, X. Perpina, X. Jorda, and J. Millan.
Enhanced Power Cycling Capability of SiC Schottky Diodes Using Press Pack Contacts.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 9-10 (2012): 2250-55.
10. Barth, S., R. Jimenez-Diaz, J. Sama, J. D. Prades, I. Gracia, J. Santander, C. Cane, and A. Romano-Rodriguez.
Localized Growth and in Situ Integration of Nanowires for Device Applications.
Chemical Communications 48, no. 39 (2012): 4734-36.
11. Bassignana, D., M. Fernandez, R. Jaramillo, M. Lozano, F. J. Munoz, G. Pellegrini, D. Quirion, and I. Vila.
Development of a Novel 2D Position-Sensitive Semiconductor Detector Concept.
Journal of Instrumentation 7, C04008 (2012).
12. Berencen, Y., J. M. Ramirez, O. Jambois, C. Dominguez, J. A. Rodriguez, and B. Garrido.
Correlation between Charge Transport and Electroluminescence Properties of Si-Rich Oxide/Nitride/Oxide-Based Light Emitting Capacitors.
Journal of Applied Physics 112, no. 3 (2012) 033114.
13. Bratov, A., and N. Abramova.
A New Microcapillary Device for Controlling Surface Conductivity Changes at Solid-Liquid Interface.
Chemistry Letters 41, no. 10 (2012): 1244-46.
14. Bratov, A., N. Abramova, M. P. Marco, and F. Sanchez-Baeza.
Three-Dimensional Interdigitated Electrode Array as a Tool for Surface Reactions Registration.
Electroanalysis 24, no. 1 (2012): 69-75.
15. Burdallo, I., C. Jimenez-Jorquera, C. Fernandez-Sanchez, and A. Baldi.
Integration of Microelectronic Chips in Microfluidic Systems on Printed Circuit Board.
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22, no. 10 (2012) 105022.
16. Butti, F., P. Bruschi, M. Dei, and M. Piotto.
A Compact Instrumentation Amplifier for MEMS Thermal Sensor Interfacing.
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 72, no. 3 (2012): 585-94.
16. Caballero, D., E. Martinez, J. Bausells, A. Errachid, and J. Samitier.
Impedimetric Immunosensor for Human Serum Albumin Detection on a Direct Aldehyde-Functionalized Silicon Nitride Surface.
Analytica Chimica Acta 720 (2012): 43-48.
17. Calaza, C., M. Salleras, N. Sabate, J. Santander, C. Cane, and L. Fonseca.
A MEMS-Based Thermal Infrared Emitter for an Integrated NdIR Spectrometer.
Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems 18, no. 7-8 (2012): 1147-54.
18. Camargo, C. J., H. Campanella, J. E. Marshall, N. Torras, K. Zinoviev, E. M. Terentjev, and J. Esteve.
Batch Fabrication of Optical Actuators Using Nanotube-Elastomer Composites Towards Refreshable Braille Displays.
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22, no. 7 (2012).
19. Campanella, H., C. J. Camargo, J. L. Garcia, A. Daza, R. Urquiza, and J. Esteve.
Thin-Film Piezoelectric Mems Transducer Suitable for Middle-Ear Audio Prostheses.
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 21, no. 6 (2012): 1452-63.
20. Carregal-Romero, E., C. Fernandez-Sanchez, A. Eguizabal, S. Demming, S. Buttgenbach, and A. Llobera.
Development and Integration of Xerogel Polymeric Absorbance Micro-Filters into Lab-on-Chip Systems.
Optics Express 20, no. 21 (2012): 23700-19.
21. Carregal-Romero, E., A. Llobera, V. J. Cadarso, M. Darder, P. Aranda, C. Dominguez, E. Ruiz-Hitzky, and C. Fernandez-Sanchez.
One-Step Patterning of Hybrid Xerogel Materials for the Fabrication of Disposable Solid-State Light Emitters.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4, no. 9 (2012): 5029-37.
22. Casals, O., T. Becker, P. Godignon, and A. Romano-Rodriguez.
SiC-Based MIS Gas Sensor for High Water Vapor Environments.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 175 (2012): 60-66.
23. Ceto, X., J. M. Gutierrez, M. Gutierrez, F. Cespedes, J. Capdevila, S. Minguez, C. Jimenez-Jorquera, and M. del Valle.
Determination of Total Polyphenol Index in Wines Employing a Voltammetric Electronic Tongue.
Analytica Chimica Acta 732 (2012): 172-79.
24. Chen, J. N., M. Badioli, P. Alonso-Gonzalez, S. Thongrattanasiri, F. Huth, J. Osmond, M. Spasenovic, A. Centeno, A. Pesquera, P. Godignon, A. Z. Elorza, N. Camara, F. J. G. de Abajo, R. Hillenbrand, and F. H. L. Koppens.
Optical Nano-Imaging of Gate-Tunable Graphene Plasmons.
Nature 487, no. 7405 (2012): 77-81.
25. Colin, A., D. Ortiz, E. Villa, E. Artal, and E. Martinez-Gonzalez.
An Array of Lens-Coupled Antennas for Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements in the 30 Ghz Band.
Experimental Astronomy 33, no. 1 (2012): 27-37.
26. Conde, A., C. Martinez, D. Jimenez, E. Miranda, J. M. Rafi, F. Campabadal, and J. Sune.
Modeling the Breakdown Statistics of Al2O3/HfO2 Nanolaminates Grown by Atomic-Layer-Deposition.
Solid-State Electronics 71 (2012): 48-52.
27. Constant, A., M. Berthou, M. Florentin, J. Millan, and P. Godignon.
Effect of the Growth Conditions on the Properties of Nitrided Oxides Grown by RTP for 4h-SiC P-Channel MOSFETs Fabrication.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159, no. 5 (2012): H516-H21.
28. Coronado, E., A. Forment-Aliaga, E. Pinilla-Cienfuegos, S. Tatay, L. Catala, and J. A. Plaza.
Nanopatterning of Anionic Nanoparticles Based on Magnetic Prussian-Blue Analogues.
Advanced Functional Materials 22, no. 17 (2012): 3625-33.
29. Cortes, I., X. Perpina, J. Urresti, X. Jorda, and J. Rebollo.
Study of Layout Influence on Ruggedness of Npt-Igbt Devices by Physical Modelling.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 9-10 (2012): 2471-76.
30. Cortes, I., J. Roig, P. Moens, S. Mouhoubi, P. Gassot, J. Rebollo, F. Bauwens, and D. Flores.
Gate-Oxide Breakage Assisted by HCI in Advanced STI DMOS Transistors.
IEEE Electron Device Letters 33, no. 9 (2012): 1285-87.
31. Cortes, I., G. Toulon, F. Morancho, D. Flores, E. Hugonnard-Bruyere, and B. Villard.
Analysis and Optimisation of Lateral Thin-Film Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) PMOS Transistor with an NBL Layer in the Drift Region.
Solid-State Electronics 70 (2012): 8-13.
32. Cortes, I., G. Toulon, F. Morancho, E. Hugonnard-Bruyere, B. Villard, and W. J. Toren.
Analysis and Optimization of Lateral Thin-Film Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) MOSFET Transistors.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 3 (2012): 503-08.
33. Cortes, M., S. Martinez, C. Serre, E. Gomez, A. Perez-Rodriguez, and E. Valles.
Design and Electrochemical Preparation of Inductive Copper Coils for Magnetic Particles Detection.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 173 (2012): 737-44.
34. Cuevas-Muniz, F. M., M. Guerra-Balcazar, J. P. Esquivel, N. Sabate, L. G. Arriaga, and J. Ledesma-Garcia.
Glucose Microfluidic Fuel Cell Based on Silver Bimetallic Selective Catalysts for on-Chip Applications.
Journal of Power Sources 216 (2012): 297-303.
35. Cumeras, R., I. Gracia, E. Figueras, L. Fonseca, J. Santander, M. Salleras, C. Calaza, N. Sabate, and C. Cane.
Finite-Element Analysis of a Miniaturized Ion Mobility Spectrometer for Security Applications.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 170 (2012): 13-20.
36. Cumeras, R., I. Gracia, E. Figueras, L. Fonseca, J. Santander, M. Salleras, C. Calaza, N. Sabate, and C. Cane.
Modelling a P-FAIMS with Multiphysics FEM.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 50, no. 2 (2012): 359-73.
37. Da Via, C., M. Boscardin, G. F. Dalla Betta, G. Darbo, C. Fleta, C. Gemme, P. Grenier, S. Grinstein, T. E. Hansen, J. Hasi, C. Kenney, A. Kok, S. Parker, G. Pellegrini, E. Vianello, and N. Zorzi.
3D Silicon Sensors: Design, Large Area Production and Quality Assurance for the Atlas IBL Pixel Detector Upgrade.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 694 (2012): 321-30.
38. Dalla Betta, G. F., C. Da Via, M. Povoli, S. Parker, M. Boscardin, G. Darbo, S. Grinstein, P. Grenier, J. Hasi, C. Kenney, A. Kok, C. H. Lai, G. Pellegrini, and S. Watts.
Recent Developments and Future Perspectives in 3d Silicon Radiation Sensors.
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (2012) C10006.
39. de Pedro, S., A. Voigt, V. J. Cadarso, J. Vila-Planas, J. Brugger, S. Buttgenbach, A. Llobera, and G. Gruetzner.
UV-Patternable Polymers with Selective Spectral Response.
Microelectronic Engineering 98 (2012): 234-37.
40. Demming, S., G. Peterat, A. Llobera, H. Schmolke, A. Bruns, M. Kohlstedt, A. Al-Halhouli, C. P. Klages, R. Krull, and S. Buttgenbach.
Vertical Microbubble Column-a Photonic Lab-on-Chip for Cultivation and Online Analysis of Yeast Cell Cultures.
Biomicrofluidics 6, no. 3 (2012) 034106.
41. Diaz-Gonzalez, M., and A. Baldi.
Fabrication of Biofunctionalized Microfluidic Structures by Low-Temperature Wax Bonding.
Analytical Chemistry 84, no. 18 (2012): 7838-44.
42. Duval, D., A. B. Gonzalez-Guerrero, S. Dante, J. Osmond, R. Monge, L. J. Fernandez, K. E. Zinoviev, C. Dominguez, and L. M. Lechuga.
Nanophotonic Lab-on-a-Chip Platforms Including Novel Bimodal Interferometers, Microfluidics and Grating Couplers.
Lab on a Chip 12, no. 11 (2012): 1987-94.
43. Eichler, A., M. D. Ruiz, J. A. Plaza, and A. Bachtold.
Strong Coupling between Mechanical Modes in a Nanotube Resonator.
Physical Review Letters 109, no. 2 (2012) 025503.
44. Esquivel, J. P., M. Castellarnau, T. Senn, B. Lochel, J. Samitier, and N. Sabate.
Fuel Cell-Powered Microfluidic Platform for Lab-on-a-Chip Applications.
Lab on a Chip 12, no. 1 (2012): 74-79.
45. Esquivel, J. P., J. Colomer-Farrarons, M. Castellarnau, M. Salleras, F. J. del Campo, J. Samitier, P. Miribel-Catala, and N. Sabate.
Fuel Cell-Powered Microfluidic Platform for Lab-on-a-Chip Applications: Integration into an Autonomous Amperometric Sensing Device.
Lab on a Chip 12, no. 21 (2012): 4232-35.
46. Fernandez-Martinez, P., F. R. Palomo, S. Diez, S. Hidalgo, M. Ullan, D. Flores, and R. Sorge.
Simulation Methodology for Dose Effects in Lateral DMOS Transistors.
Microelectronics Journal 43, no. 1 (2012): 50-56.
47. Fontsere, A., A. Perez-Tomas, P. Godignon, J. Millan, H. De Vleeschouwer, J. M. Parsey, and P. Moens.
Wafer Scale and Reliability Investigation of Thin HfO2 Center Dot AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTS.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 9-10 (2012): 2220-23.
48. Fontsere, A., A. Perez-Tomas, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, and J. C. Moreno.
Reverse Current Thermal Activation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTS on Si(111).
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 11 (2012): 2547-50.
49. Fontsere, A., A. Perez-Tomas, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J. C. Moreno, V. Iglesias, M. Porti, A. Bayerl, M. Lanza, and M. Nafria.
Gate Current Analysis of AlGaN/GaN on Silicon Heterojunction Transistors at the Nanoscale.
Applied Physics Letters 101, no. 9 (2012) 093505.
50. Fontsere, A., A. Perez-Tomas, M. Placidi, J. Llobet, N. Baron, S. Chenot, Y. Cordier, J. C. Moreno, M. R. Jennings, P. M. Gammon, C. A. Fisher, V. Iglesias, M. Porti, A. Bayerl, M. Lanza, and M. Nafria.
Nanoscale Investigation of AlGaN/GaN-on-Si High Electron Mobility Transistors.
Nanotechnology 23, no. 39 (2012) 395204.
51. Gago, A. S., Y. Gochi-Ponce, Y. J. Feng, J. P. Esquivel, N. Sabate, J. Santander, and N. Alonso-Vante.
Tolerant Chalcogenide Cathodes of Membraneless Micro Fuel Cells.
Chemsuschem 5, no. 8 (2012): 1488-94.
52. Gammon, P. M., E. Donchev, A. Perez-Tomas, V. A. Shah, J. S. Pang, P. K. Petrov, M. R. Jennings, C. A. Fisher, P. A. Mawby, D. R. Leadley, and N. M. Alford.
A Study of Temperature-Related Non-Linearity at the Metal-Silicon Interface.
Journal of Applied Physics 112, no. 11 (2012).
53. Garbayo, I., G. Dezanneau, C. Bogicevic, J. Santiso, I. Gracia, N. Sabate, and A. Tarancon.
Pinhole-Free YSZ Self-Supported Membranes for Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications.
Solid State Ionics 216 (2012): 64-68.
54. Gaubas, E., A. Uleckas, J. M. Rafi, J. Chen, D. Yang, and J. Vanhellemont.
Study of Irradiation Induced Changes of Electrical and Functional Characteristics in Ge Doped Si Diodes.
Physica B-Condensed Matter 407, no. 15 (2012): 2998-3001.
55. Gonzalez-Fernandez, A. A., J. Juvert, A. Morales-Sanchez, J. Barreto, M. Aceves-Mijares, and C. Dominguez.
Comparison of Electrical and Electro-Optical Characteristics of Light-Emitting Capacitors Based on Silicon-Rich Si-Oxide Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition and Ion Implantation.
Journal of Applied Physics 111, no. 5 (2012) 053109.
56. Guardiola, C., C. Fleta, K. Amgarou, and M. Lozano.
Monte Carlo Simulations of a Microstructured Silicon Detector with High Efficiency for Thermal Neutrons.
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (2012) T06003.
57. Guardiola, C., C. Fleta, G. Pellegrini, F. Garcia, D. Quirion, J. Rodriguez, and M. Lozano.
Ultra-Thin 3D Silicon Sensors for Neutron Detection.
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (2012) P03006.
58. Guimera, A., G. Gabriel, M. Plata-Cordero, L. Montero, M. J. Maldonado, and R. Villa.
A Non-Invasive Method for an in Vivo Assessment of Corneal Epithelium Permeability through Tetrapolar Impedance Measurements.
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 31, no. 1 (2012): 55-61.
59. Jennings, M. R., A. Perez-Tomas, A. Bashir, A. Sanchez, A. Severino, P. J. Ward, S. M. Thomas, C. Fisher, P. M. Gammon, M. Zabala, S. E. Burrows, B. Donnellan, D. P. Hamilton, D. Walker, and P. A. Mawby.
Bow Free 4'' Diameter 3C-SiC Epilayers Formed Upon Wafer-Bonded Si/SiC Substrates.
ECS Solid State Letters 1, no. 6 (2012): P85-P88.
60. Jouault, B., N. Camara, B. Jabakhanji, A. Caboni, C. Consejo, P. Godignon, D. K. Maude, and J. Camassel.
Quantum Hall Effect in Bottom-Gated Epitaxial Graphene Grown on the C-Face of SiC.
Applied Physics Letters 100, no. 5 (2012) 052102.
61. Lahlou, H., J. B. Sanchez, Y. Mohsen, X. Vilanova, F. Berger, E. Llobet, X. Correig, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, I. Gracia, and C. Cane.
A Planar Micro-Concentrator/Injector for Low Power Consumption Microchromatographic Analysis of Benzene and 1,3 Butadiene.
Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems 18, no. 4 (2012): 489-95.
62. Lee, M., N. Zine, A. Baraket, M. Zabala, F. Campabadal, R. Caruso, M. G. Trivella, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, and A. Errachid.
A Novel Biosensor Based on Hafnium Oxide: Application for Early Stage Detection of Human Interleukin-10.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 175 (2012): 201-07.
63. Lupi, F. F., D. Navarro-Urrios, J. Rubio-Garcia, J. Monserrat, C. Dominguez, P. Pellegrino, and B. Garrido.
Visible Light Emitting Si-Rich Si3N4 Mu-Disk Resonators for Sensoristic Applications.
Journal of Lightwave Technology 30, no. 1 (2012): 169-74.
64. Lupu, S., F. J. del Campo, and F. X. Munoz.
Sinusoidal Voltage Electrodeposition and Characterization of Conducting Polymers on Gold Microelectrode Arrays.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 687 (2012): 71-78.
65. Marshall, J. E., Y. Ji, N. Torras, K. Zinoviev, and E. M. Terentjev.
Carbon-Nanotube Sensitized Nematic Elastomer Composites for IR-Visible Photo-Actuation.
Soft Matter 8, no. 5 (2012): 1570-74.
66. Martin-Olmos, C., L. G. Villanueva, P. D. van der Wal, A. Llobera, N. F. de Rooij, J. Brugger, and F. Perez-Murano.
Conductivity of SU-8 Thin Films through Atomic Force Microscopy Nano-Patterning.
Advanced Functional Materials 22, no. 7 (2012): 1482-88.
67. Matatagui, D., M. J. Fernandeza, J. Fontecha, J. P. Santos, I. Gracia, C. Cane, and M. C. Horrillo.
Love-Wave Sensor Array to Detect, Discriminate and Classify Chemical Warfare Agent Simulants.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 175 (2012): 173-78.
68. Menchon-Enrich, R., A. Llobera, V. J. Cadarso, J. Mompart, and V. Ahufinger.
Adiabatic Passage of Light in CMOS-Compatible Silicon Oxide Integrated RIB Waveguides.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24, no. 7 (2012): 536-38.
69. Montero, L., G. Gabriel, A. Guimera, R. Villa, K. K. Gleason, and S. Borros.
Increasing Biosensor Response through Hydrogel Thin Film Deposition: Influence of Hydrogel Thickness.
Vacuum 86, no. 12 (2012): 2102-04.
70. Musa, A. E., M. A. Alonso-Lomillo, F. J. del Campo, N. Abramova, O. Dominguez-Renedo, M. J. Arcos-Martinez, and J. P. Kutter.
Thick-Film Voltammetric Ph-Sensors with Internal Indicator and Reference Species.
Talanta 99 (2012): 737-43.
71. Naumenko, D., V. Snitka, M. Duch, N. Torras, and J. Esteve.
Stress Mapping on the Porous Silicon Microcapsules by Raman Microscopy.
Microelectronic Engineering 98 (2012): 488-91.
72. Navarro, L. A., X. Perpina, M. Vellvehi, V. Banu, and X. Jorda.
Thermal Cycling Analysis of High Temperature Die-Attach Materials.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 9-10 (2012): 2314-20.
73. Ordeig, O., P. Ortiz, X. Munoz-Berbel, S. Demming, S. Buttgenbach, C. Fernandez-Sanchez, and A. Llobera.
Dual Photonic-Electrochemical Lab on a Chip for Online Simultaneous Absorbance and Amperometric Measurements.
Analytical Chemistry 84, no. 8 (2012): 3546-53.
74. Orozco, J., C. Jimenez-Jorquera, and C. Fernandez-Sanchez.
Electrochemical Performance of Self-Assembled Monolayer Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Ultramicroelectrode Array Architectures.
Electroanalysis 24, no. 3 (2012): 635-42.
75. Ortiz, P., X. Munoz-Berbel, and J. Gonzalo-Ruiz.
Microfluidics for Monitoring Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Capacity.
Current Analytical Chemistry 8, no. 4 (2012): 456-71.
76. Pacios, M., I. Martin-Fernandez, X. Borrise, M. del Valle, J. Bartroli, E. Lora-Tamayo, P. Godignon, F. Perez-Murano, and M. J. Esplandiu.
Real Time Protein Recognition in a Liquid-Gated Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor Modified with Aptamers.
Nanoscale 4, no. 19 (2012): 5917-23.
77. Parra-Borderias, M., I. Fernandez-Martinez, L. Fabrega, A. Camon, O. Gil, R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, J. Sese, J. L. Costa-Kramer, B. Warot-Fonrose, V. Serin, and F. Briones.
Thermal Stability of Mo/Au Bilayers for TES Applications.
Superconductor Science & Technology 25, no. 9 (2012).
78. Patrascu, M., J. Gonzalo-Ruiz, M. Goedbloed, S. H. Brongersma, and M. Crego-Calama.
Flexible, Electrostatic Microfluidic Actuators Based on Thin Film Fabrication.
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 186 (2012): 249-56.
79. Penon, O., S. Novo, S. Duran, E. Ibanez, C. Nogues, J. Samitier, M. Duch, J. A. Plaza, and L. Perez-Garcia.
Efficient Biofunctionalization of Polysilicon Barcodes for Adhesion to the Zona Pellucida of Mouse Embryos.
Bioconjugate Chemistry 23, no. 12 (2012): 2392-402.
80. Perez-Tomas, A., A. Fontsere, M. Placidi, N. Baron, S. Chenot, J. C. Moreno, and Y. Cordier.
Temperature Impact and Analytical Modeling of the AlGaN/GaN-on-Si Saturation Drain Current and Transconductance.
Semiconductor Science and Technology 27, no. 12 (2012) 125010.
Perpina, X., R. Werkhoven, J. Jakovenko, J. Formanek, M. Vellvehi, X. Jorda, J. Kunen, P. Bancken, and P. J. Bolt.
Design for Reliability of Solid State Lighting Systems.
Microelectronics Reliability 52, no. 9-10 (2012): 2294-300.
81. Prats-Alfonso, E., X. Sisquella, N. Zine, G. Gabriel, A. Guimera, F. J. del Campo, R. Villa, A. H. Eisenberg, M. Mrksich, A. Errachid, J. Aguilo, and F. Albericio.
Cancer Prognostics by Direct Detection of P53-Antibodies on Gold Surfaces by Impedance Measurements.
Small 8, no. 13 (2012): 2106-15.
82. Prehn, R., M. Cortina-Puig, and F. X. Munoz.
A Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on the Use of Gold Micropillar Array Electrodes.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159, no. 5 (2012): F134-F39.
83. Prehn, R., M. Cortina-Puig, F. X. Munoz, F. J. del Campo, and L. Abad.
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