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09 Feb 2023

Talks in schools to awaken scientific vocations and different events organized by the IMB-CNM for February 11

The IMB-CNM organizes different initiatives to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science this 2023. For yet another year, it is celebrated with the organization of talks open to everyone, internal events and talks by scientists in schools to approach them as references in the classroom.

Montaje con Juliana Rotich, Gladys West y Rosalind Franklin


Montage with illustrations by Juliana Rotich, Gladys West and Rosalind Franklin. STEM Role Models Posters, initiative of Nevertheless.

Scientific vocations are cultivated from the earliest ages and opting for science is a decision that is usually made before adolescence. February 11, the Day of Women and Girls in Science, is an international celebration that has been held annually since 2015, when it was declared so by the United Nations, with the aim of achieving full and equal participation of women in science. . The focus is on the creation of scientific vocations in girls.

The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC) has participated over the years with different initiatives, both internal and external, for adult audiences and for children. The objective is to encourage researchers and technicians to present themselves as leaders, promote equal opportunities and contribute to the creation of scientific vocations.

This year, the Equality Committee is organizing two events: a scientific guessing game to promote the dissemination of historical references among staff and an event open to all with Pilar López Sancho, Emmy Noether Award from the European Physical Society.

Gender perspective in 21st century science

Pilar López Sancho, a researcher at the Institute of Materials Science in Madrid, will attend the IMB-CNM to give the talk Perspectiva de género en la ciencia del siglo XXI.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the European Commission has worked intensively to increase the proportion of women in academia, research and innovation. Both the Helsinki Group and the Women in Science Unit have produced studies analyzing the causes of the gender gap and the barriers that women face in advancing in their careers. The data shows that we are improving, but very slowly.

The CSIC research professor is invited by the researchers Consuelo Guardiola and Francesca Campabadal in an initiative organized by the IMB-CNM Equality Committee.

Charla Pilar López - Perspectiva de género en la ciencia

The message of 11F in schools: the references

Seven researchers from the IMB-CNM will join different initiatives, such as 11 de febrero –of citizen and state organization– or #100tífiques –organized by the BIST and the FCRi, with a Catalan focus–, to go to educational centers, mainly primary schools , and give talks about their scientific activity. The objective of these actions is to bring scientists, researchers and technicians closer to primary school students so that they get to know, first-hand, women who are dedicated to science and thus promote their image as references. There are a total of seven scientists who will take the message of February 11 to more than 250 students in the province of Barcelona.

The physicist Neus Sabaté will participate in the central act of # 100tífiques 2023 at the Cappont Auditorium of the University of Lleida on Friday, February 10, where she will present the Hypatia I mission, in which she participates. She will attend students of the Institut Joan Oró.

The physicists Llibertat Abad and Mercedes Saludes will attend the Institut Ferran Casablancas in Sabadell on February 15 with two appointments to speak with a group of Physics and Chemistry from 4th year of ESO and Physics students from 1st year of Baccalaureate; joining 150 students. As part of the #100tífiques initiative, Mercedes Saludes will also go to an educational center in Tordera with 5th and 6th grade students.

The chemist Cecilia Jiménez will give a talk to a 5th grade class at the Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer School, in Rubí, included on February 11; and at the IES Joan Sallarés, in Sabadell, for 6th grade students. The chemist Gemma Gabriel will give a virtual talk at the Escola Valeri Serra de Berga, with 38 6th grade students.

The physicist Gemma Rius will give a talk at the Escola Cal Maiol in Barcelona to a group of 6th graders; and the physicist Carla Riera Llobet will also present her work to a 6th grade class in Vilassar de Mar, at the Escola Vaixell Burriac.

The Alphabet Game of scientists

Internally, the institute also organizes an event on February 10 to play The Alphabet Game for scientists and thus meet new names in the history of science and microelectronics. It is an initiative led by Gemma Rius and that adds to other internal events that she has held in previous years to promote the visibility of scientists.

11F: Wikimarató Dona i Ciència

The IMB-CNM, along with other CSIC centers, the UAB sphere and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), collaborates in the Wikimarató dona i ciència initiative, coordinated by the PRBB, on February 13. A hybrid session, in collaboration with ViquidonesUPF and Amical Wikimedia, to hold a scientific Wikimarathon with a gender perspective and create and edit pages of women scientists and their contributions to Wikipedia.