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IMB-CNM talks: Suspended Micro-nanogenerators for cell stimulation - Carolina Vargas Esteve


08 Feb 2019
Sala de Actos Pepe Millán, IMB-CNM, Campus UAB.

Electrical stimulation has been used in many therapeutic applications to modulate cellular activity, restore biological lost functions or even improve the performance of certain tissues. Micro/nanogenerators play a key role as self-powered devices to replace the bulkiness or lack in specificity of nowadays electrical stimulation. Their high spatial resolution and acute cell specificity allow them to stimulate single cells in its own liquid media.

This work explored two technological branches based on photovoltaic and on magnetoelastic (piezoelectric/ magnetostrictive) devices to generate energy at the micro/nanoscale. We will explain their fabrication, characterization and biological evaluation to demonstrate the feasibility of them as functional tools for bioapplications.