Journal Papers 2015
1. Abramova, N.; Bratov, A.,
Title Monitoring Protamine-Heparin Interactions Using Microcapillary Impedimetric Sensor.
Electroanalysis 2015, 27 (3), 663-669. DOI: 10.1002/elan.201400581.
2. Alayo, N.; Conde-Rubio, A.; Bausells, J.; Borrise, X.; Labarta, A.; Batlle, X.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Nanoparticles with tunable shape and composition fabricated by nanoimprint lithography.
Nanotechnology 2015, 26 (44). DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/44/445302.
3. Alexandru, M.; Banu, V.; Jorda, X.; Montserrat, J.; Vellvehi, M.; Tournier, D.; Millan, J.; Godignon, P.,
SiC Integrated Circuit Control Electronics for High-Temperature Operation.
Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62 (5), 3182-3191. DOI: 10.1109/tie.2014.2379212.
4. Alonso, A.; Vigues, N.; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R.; Borrise, X.; Munoz, M.; Muraviev, D. N.; Mas, J.; Munoz-Berbel, X.,
Activity-tunable nanocomposites based on dissolution and in situ recrystallization of nanoparticles on ion exchange resins.
RSC Advances 2015, 5 (109), 89971-89975. DOI: 10.1039/c5ra16081b.
5. Annanouch, F. E.; Gracia, I.; Figueras, E.; Llobet, E.; Cane, C.; Vallejos, S.,
Localized aerosol-assisted CVD of nanomaterials for the fabrication of monolithic gas sensor microarrays.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 216, 374-383. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.03.076.
6. Annanouch, F. E.; Haddi, Z.; Vallejos, S.; Umek, P.; Guttmann, P.; Bittencourt, C.; Llobet, E.,
Aerosol-Assisted CVD-Grown WO3 Nanoneedles Decorated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles for the Selective and Humidity-Resilient Detection of H2S.
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7 (12), 6842-6851. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00411.
7. Ayan-Varela, M.; Paredes, J. I.; Guardia, L.; Villar-Rodil, S.; Munuera, J. M.; Diaz-Gonzalez, M.; Fernandez-Sanchez, C.; Martinez-Alonso, A.; Tascon, J. M. D.,
Achieving Extremely Concentrated Aqueous Dispersions of Graphene Flakes and Catalytically Efficient Graphene-Metal Nanoparticle Hybrids with Flavin Mononucleotide as a HighPerformance Stabilizer.
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7 (19), 10293-10307. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00910.
8. Baez-Gaxiola, M. R.; Fernandez-Sanchez, C.; Mendoza, E.,
Gold cluster based electrocatalytic sensors for the detection of formaldehyde.
Analytical Methods 2015, 7 (2), 538-542. DOI: 10.1039/c4ay02023e.
9. Bausells, J.,
Piezoresistive cantilevers for nanomechanical sensing.
Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 145, 9-20. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2015.02.010.
10. Blanco-Roldan, C.; Quiros, C.; Sorrentino, A.; Hierro-Rodriguez, A.; Alvarez-Prado, L. M.; Valcarcel, R.; Duch, M.; Torras, N.; Esteve, J.; Martin, J. I.; Velez, M.; Alameda, J. M.; Pereiro, E.; Ferrer, S.,
Nanoscale imaging of buried topological defects with quantitative X-ray magnetic microscopy.
Nature Communications 2015, 6. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9196.
11. Brosel-Oliu, S.; Abramova, N.; Bratov, A.; Vigues, N.; Mas, J.; Munoz, F. X.,
Sensitivity and Response Time of Polyethyleneimine Modified Impedimetric Transducer for Bacteria Detection.
Electroanalysis 2015, 27 (3), 656-662. DOI: 10.1002/elan.201400575.
12. Calaza, C.; Salleras, M.; Davila, D.; Tarancon, A.; Morata, A.; Santos, J. D.; Gadea, G.; Fonseca, L.,
Bottom-Up Silicon Nanowire Arrays for Thermoelectric Harvesting.
Materials Today-Proceedings 2015, 2 (2), 675-679. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2015.05.085.
13. Cartiglia, N.; Arcidiacono, R.; Baselga, M.; Bellan, R.; Boscardin, M.; Cenna, F.; Betta, G. F. D.; Fernndez-Martnez, P.; Ferrero, M.; Flores, D.; Galloway, Z.; Greco, V.; Hidalgo, S.; Marchetto, F.; Monaco, V.; Obertino, M.; Pancheri, L.; Paternoster, G.; Picerno, A.; Pellegrini, G.; Quirion, D.; Ravera, F.; Sacchi, R.; Sadrozinski, H. F. W.; Seiden, A.; Solano, A.; Spencer, N.,
Design optimization of ultra-fast silicon detectors.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 2015, 796, 141-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.04.025.
14. Cases-Utrera, J.; Escude-Pujol, R.; Ibanez-Otazua, N.; del Campo, F. J.,
Development of an Automated Heavy Metal Analyser.
Electroanalysis 2015, 27 (4), 929-937. DOI: 10.1002/elan.201400614.
15. Cavallaro, E.; Lange, J.; Paz, I. L.; Grinstein, S.; Baselga, M.; Greco, V.; Quirion, D.; Pellegrini, G.,
First measurements of segmented silicon tracking detectors with built-in multiplication layer.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 2015, 796, 136-140. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.05.023.
16. Claramunt, S.; Wu, Q.; Maestro, M.; Porti, M.; Gonzalez, M. B.; Martin-Martinez, J.; Campabadal, F.; Nafria, M.,
Non-homogeneous conduction of conductive filaments in Ni/HfO2/Si resistive switching structures observed with CAFM.
Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 147, 335-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2015.04.112.
17. Conejero-Muriel, M.; Rodriguez-Ruiz, I.; Martinez-Rodriguez, S.; Llobera, A.; Gavira, J. A.,
McCLEC, a robust and stable enzymatic based microreactor platform.
Lab on a Chip 2015, 15 (20), 4083-4089. DOI: 10.1039/c5lc00776c.
18. Cruz, C.; Jover-Manas, G.; Matilla, O.; Avila, J.; Juanhuix, J.; Pellegrini, G.; Quirion, D.; Rodriguez, J.,
10 mu m thin transmissive photodiode produced by ALBA Synchrotron and IMB-CNM-CSIC.
Journal of Instrumentation 2015, 10. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/10/03/c03005.
19. Cumeras, R.; Figueras, E.; Davis, C. E.; Baumbach, J. I.; Gracia, I.,
Review on Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Part 1: current instrumentation.
Analyst 2015, 140 (5), 1376-1390. DOI: 10.1039/c4an01100g.
20. Cumeras, R.; Figueras, E.; Davis, C. E.; Baumbach, J. I.; Gracia, I.,
Review on Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Part 2: hyphenated methods and effects of experimental parameters.
Analyst 2015, 140 (5), 1391-1410. DOI: 10.1039/c4an01101e.
21. de Boer, W.; Dierlamm, A.; Hartmann, F.; Hoffmann, K. H.; Kornmayer, A.; Muller, T.; Nurnberg, A.; Pellegrini, G.; Printz, M.; Quirion, D.,
A fourfold segmented silicon strip sensor with read-out at the edges.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 2015, 788, 154-160. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.03.082.
22. Diaz-Gonzalez, M.; Salvador, J. P.; Bonilla, D.; Marco, M. P.; Fernandez-Sanchez, C.; Baldi, A.,
A microfluidic device for the automated electrical readout of low-density glass-slide microarrays.
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2015, 74, 698-704. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.07.005.
23. Donmez, I.; Salleras, M.; Calaza, C.; Santos, J. D.; Gadea, G.; Morata, A.; Davila, D.; Tarancon, A.; Fonseca, L.,
Interdigitated design of a thermoelectric microgenerator based on silicon nanowire arrays.
In Smart Sensors, Actuators, and Mems Vii; and Cyber Physical Systems, SanchezRojas, J. L.; Brama, R., Eds. 2015; Vol. 9517. DOI: 95172c10.1117/12.2178782.
24. Duenas, S.; Castan, H.; Garcia, H.; Fuentes, L. M.; Bailon, L.; Campabadal, F.; Rafi, J. M.; Gonzalez, M. B.; Takakura, K.; Tsunoda, I.; Yoneoka, M.,
Hole trap distribution on 2MeV electron irradiated high-k dielectrics.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2015, 33 (3). DOI: 10.1116/1.4915617.
25. Duran, S.; Duch, M.; Patino, T.; Torres, A.; Penon, O.; Gomez-Martinez, R.; Barrios, L.; Esteve, J.; Nogues, C.; Perez-Garcia, L.; Plaza, J. A.,
Technological development of intracellular polysilicon-chromium-gold chips for orthogonal chemical functionalization.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 209, 212-224. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2014.11.077.
26. Duran, S.; Novo, S.; Duch, M.; Gomez-Martinez, R.; Fernandez-Regulez, M.; Paulo, A. S.; Nogues, C.; Esteve, J.; Ibanez, E.; Plaza, J. A.,
Silicon-nanowire based attachment of silicon chips for mouse embryo labelling.
Lab on a Chip 2015, 15 (6), 1508-1514. DOI: 10.1039/c4lc01299b.
27. Estrada-Leypon, O.; Moya, A.; Guimera, A.; Gabriel, G.; Agut, M.; Sanchez, B.; Borros, S.,
Simultaneous monitoring of Staphylococcus aureus growth in a multi-parametric microfluidic platform using microscopy and impedance spectroscopy.
Bioelectrochemistry 2015, 105, 56-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2015.05.006.
28. Evangelio, L.; Fernandez-Regulez, M.; Borrise, X.; Lorenzoni, M.; Fraxedas, J.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Creation of guiding patterns for directed self-assembly of block copolymers by resistless direct e-beam exposure.
In Alternative Lithographic Technologies Vii, Resnick, D. J.; Bencher, C., Eds. 2015; Vol. 9423. DOI: 94232610.1117/12.2085830.
29. Farina, D.; Alvarez, M.; Marquez, S.; Dominguez, C.; Lechuga, L. M.,
Sensitivity analysis for improving nanomechanical photonic transducers biosensors.
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2015, 48 (33). DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/33/335401.
30. Fernandez-Sanchez, C.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Dominguez, C.,
Synthesis of sol-gel SiO2-based materials using alkoxydisilane precursors: mechanisms and luminescence studies.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2015, 73 (2), 417-427. DOI: 10.1007/s10971-014-3551-x.
31. Fleta, C.; Esteban, S.; Baselga, M.; Quirion, D.; Pellegrini, G.; Guardiola, C.; Cortes-Giraldo, M. A.; Lopez, J. G.; Jimenez'Ramos, M. C.; Gomez, F.; Lozano, M.,
3D cylindrical silicon microdosimeters: fabrication, simulation and charge collection study.
Journal of Instrumentation 2015, 10. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/10/10/p10001.
32. Fonseca, L.; Donmez, I.; Salleras, M.; Calaza, C.; Gadea, G.; Santos, J. D.; Morata, A.; Tarancon, A.;
Iop, Improved thermal isolation of silicon suspended platforms for an all-silicon thermoelectric microgenerator based on large scale integration of Si nanowires as thermoelectric material.
In 15th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, 2015; Vol. 660. DOI: 01211310.1088/1742-6596/660/1/012113.
33. Fraxedas, J.; Perez-Murano, F.; Gramazio, F.; Lorenzoni, M.; Trinidad, E. R.; Staufer, U.,
Continuous monitoring of tip radius during atomic force microscopy imaging.
In Scanning Microscopies 2015, Postek, M. T.; Newbury, D. E.; Platek, S. F.; Maugel, T. K., Eds. 2015; Vol. 9636. DOI: 96360o10.1117/12.2196951.
34. Gadea, G.; Morata, A.; Santos, J. D.; Davila, D.; Calaza, C.; Salleras, M.; Fonseca, L.; Tarancon, A.,
Towards a full integration of vertically aligned silicon nanowires in MEMS using silane as a precursor.
Nanotechnology 2015, 26 (19). DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/19/195302.
35. Gago, A. S.; Esquivel, J. P.; Sabate, N.; Santander, J.; Alonso-Vante, N.,
Comprehensive characterization and understanding of micro-fuel cells operating at high methanol concentrations.
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2015, 6, 2000-2006. DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.6.203.
36. Garcia-Cruz, A.; Lee, M.; Zine, N.; Sigaud, M.; Bausells, J.; Errachid, A.,
Poly(pyrrole) microwires fabrication process on flexible thermoplastics polymers: Application as a biosensing material.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 221, 940-950. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2015.06.084.
37. Giannetta, H. M. R.; Calaza, C.; Lamas, D. G.; Fonseca, L.; Fraigi, L.,
Electrical transport properties of V2O5 thin films obtained by thermal annealing of layers grown by RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature.
Thin Solid Films 2015, 589, 730-734. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.06.048.
38. Gimenez-Gomez, P.; Escude-Pujol, R.; Jimenez-Jorquera, C.; Gutierrez-Capitan, M.,
Multisensor Portable Meter for Environmental Applications.
Ieee Sensors Journal 2015, 15 (11), 6517-6523. DOI: 10.1109/jsen.2015.2460011.
39. Gomes, H. L.; Medeiros, M. C. R.; Villani, F.; Canudo, J.; Loffredo, F.; Miscioscia, R.; Martinez-Domingo, C.; Ramon, E.; Sowade, E.; Mitra, K. Y.; Baumann, R. R.; McCulloch, I.; Carrabina, J.,
All-inkjet printed organic transistors: Dielectric surface passivation techniques for improved operational stability and lifetime.
Microelectronics Reliability 2015, 55 (8), 1192-1195. DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2015.05.006.
40. Gonzalez, M. B.; Martin-Martinez, J.; Rodriguez, R.; Acero, M. C.; Nafria, M.; Campabadal, F.; Ayrnerich, X.,
Dedicated random telegraph noise characterization of Ni/HfO2-based RRAM devices.
Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 147, 59-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2015.04.046.
41. Guardiola, C.; Fleta, C.; Rodriguez, J.; Lozano, M.; Gomez, F.,
Preliminary microdosimetric measurements with ultra-thin 3D silicon detectors of a 62 MeV proton beam.
Journal of Instrumentation 2015, 10. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/10/01/p01008.
42. Guardiola, C.; Quirion, D.; Pellegrini, G.; Fleta, C.; Esteban, S.; Cortes-Giraldo, M. A.; Gomez, F.; Solberg, T.; Carabe, A.; Lozano, M.,
Silicon-based three-dimensional microstructures for radiation dosimetry in hadrontherapy.
Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (2). DOI: 10.1063/1.4926962.
43. Guimera, A.; Gabriel, G.; Prats-Alfonso, E.; Abramova, N.; Bratov, A.; Villa, R.,
Effect of surface conductivity on the sensitivity of interdigitated impedimetric sensors and their design considerations.
Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2015, 207, 1010-1018. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2014.10.134.
44. Guimera, X.; Moya, A.; Dorado, A. D.; Villa, R.; Gabriel, D.; Gabriel, G.; Gamisans, X.,
Biofilm dynamics characterization using a novel DO-MEA sensor: mass transport and biokinetics.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015, 99 (1), 55-66. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-014-5821-5.
45. Gutierrez-Capitan, M.; Baldi, A.; Gomez, R.; Garcia, V.; Jimenez-Jorquera, C.; Fernandez-Sanchez, C.,
Electrochemical Nanocomposite-Derived Sensor for the Analysis of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Urban Wastewaters.
Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87 (4), 2152-2160. DOI: 10.1021/ac503329a.
46. Herrera-May, A. L.; Lara-Castro, M.; Lopez-Huerta, F.; Gkotsis, P.; Raskin, J. P.; Figueras, E.,
A MEMS-based magnetic field sensor with simple resonant structure and linear electrical response.
Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 142, 12-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2015.06.009.
47. Illa, X.; Rebollo, B.; Gabriel, G.; Sanchez-Vives, M. V.; Villa, R.,
A SU-8 based flexible microprobe for close and distal recordings from the cortical network.
In Bio-Mems and Medical Microdevices Ii, VanDenDriesche, S., Ed. 2015; Vol. 9518. DOI: 95180310.1117/12.2180454.
48. Jorda, X.; Esarte, J.; Perpina, X.; Vellvehi, M.; Argandona, G.; Aresti, M.,
Characterization of phase change material systems using a thermal test device.
Microelectronics Journal 2015, 46 (12), 1195-1201. DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2015.09.022.
49. King, D.; Hedegaard, E. R.; Ackermann, T. N.; Rius, C.; Munoz-Berbel, X.; Knudsen, H.; Rodriguz-Rodriguez, I.; Dorado, B.; Alvarez, E.; Ducree, J.; Andres, V.; Simonsen, U.; Llobera, A.,
Living Photonics: Monitoring light propagation through cells (LiPhos).
In Bio-Mems and Medical Microdevices Ii, VanDenDriesche, S., Ed. 2015; Vol. 9518. DOI: 95180m10.1117/12.2181306.
50. King, D.; Leiva, C. R.; Glynn, M.; de la Corta, B. J. D.; Cindric, S.; Kernan, D.; Garcia, V.; Llobera, A.; Hedegaard, E. R.; Simonsen, U.; Ducree, J.,
Living Photonics (LiPhos) Single Cell Analysis - Label Free Detection Methods.
Acta Physiologica 2015, 215, 32-33.
51. Kitsara, M.; Cirera, J. M.; Aller-Pellitero, M.; Sabate, N.; Punter, J.; Colomer-Farrarons, J.; Miribel-Catala, P.; del Campo, F. J.,
Small-volume multiparametric electrochemical detection at low cost polymeric devices featuring nanoelectrodes.
In Bio-Mems and Medical Microdevices Ii, VanDenDriesche, S., Ed. 2015; Vol. 9518. DOI: 95180z10.1117/12.2178908.
52. Kitsara, M.; Joanne, P.; Boitard, S. E.; Ben Dhiab, I.; Poinard, B.; Menasche, P.; Gagnieu, C.; Forest, P.; Agbulut, O.; Chen, Y.,
Fabrication of cardiac patch by using electrospun collagen fibers.
Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 144, 46-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2015.02.034.
53. Kovylina, M.; Alayo, N.; Conde-Rubio, A.; Borrise, X.; Hibbard, G.; Labarta, A.; Batlle, X.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Au cylindrical nanocup: A geometrically, tunable optical nanoresonator.
Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (3). DOI: 10.1063/1.4927053.
54. Kramberger, G.; Baselga, M.; Cindro, V.; Fernandez-Martinez, P.; Flores, D.; Galloway, Z.; Gorisek, A.; Greco, V.; Hidalgo, S.; Fadeyev, V.; Mandic, I.; Mikuz, M.; Quirion, D.; Pellegrini, G.; Sadrozinski, H. F. W.; Studen, A.; Zavrtanik, M.,
Radiation effects in Low Gain Avalanche Detectors after hadron irradiations.
Journal of Instrumentation 2015, 10. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/10/07/p07006.
55. Kuo, C. N.; Lin, P. C.; Del Campo, F. J.; Tsai, Y. C.,
Construction of a Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor on Interdigitated Microband Electrodes Fabricated by a Mix-and-Match Process.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2015, 162 (7), B133-B137. DOI: 10.1149/2.0261507jes.
56. Laurenti, M.; Stassi, S.; Lorenzoni, M.; Fontana, M.; Canavese, G.; Cauda, V.; Pirri, C. F.,
Evaluation of the piezoelectric properties and voltage generation of flexible zinc oxide thin films.
Nanotechnology 2015, 26 (21). DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/21/215704.
57. Lee, M.; Lopez-Martinez, M. J.; Baraket, A.; Zine, N.; Esteve, J.; Plaza, J. A.; Ahmed, N.; Elaissari, A.; Jaffrezic-Renault, N.; Errachid, A.,
Combination of PDMS microfilters and micromixers based on flexible thermoplastic films for size sorting and mixing of microparticles.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2015, 132 (25). DOI: 10.1002/app.42088.
58. Leon, J.; Perpina, X.; Sacristan, J.; Vellvehi, M.; Baldi, A.; Jorda, X.,
Functional and Consumption Analysis of Integrated Circuits Supplied by Inductive Power Transfer by Powering Modulation and Lock-In Infrared Imaging.
Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62 (12), 7774-7785. DOI: 10.1109/tie.2015.2455024.
59. Leon, J.; Perpina, X.; Vellvehi, M.; Jorda, X.; Godignon, P.,
Local non invasive study of SiC diodes with abnormal electrical behavior.
Solid-State Electronics 2015, 113, 35-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2015.05.008.
60. Lete, C.; Lupu, S.; Lakard, B.; Hihn, J. Y.; del Campo, F. J.,
Multi-analyte determination of dopamine and catechol at single-walled carbon nanotubes - Conducting polymer - Tyrosinase based electrochemical biosensors.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2015, 744, 53-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2015.03.005.
61. Llobera, A.; Juvert, J.; Gonzalez-Fernandez, A.; Ibarlucea, B.; Carregal-Romero, E.; Buttgenbach, S.; Fernandez-Sanchez, C.,
Biofunctionalized all-polymer photonic lab on a chip with integrated solid-state light emitter.
Light-Science & Applications 2015, 4. DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2015.44.
62. Llobet, J.; Gerboles, M.; Sansa, M.; Bausells, J.; Borrise, X.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Fabrication of functional electromechanical nanowire resonators by focused ion beam implantation.
Journal of Micro-Nanolithography Mems and Moems 2015, 14 (3). DOI: 10.1117/1.jmm.14.3.031207.
63. Llobet, J.; Gerboles, M.; Sansa, M.; Borrise, X.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Fabrication of functional electromechanical nanowire resonators by focused ion beam (FIB) implantation.
In Alternative Lithographic Technologies Vii, Resnick, D. J.; Bencher, C., Eds. 2015; Vol. 9423. DOI: 94230k 10.1117/12.2085818.
64. Llobet, J.; Krali, E.; Wang, C.; Arbiol, J.; Jones, M. E.; Perez-Murano, F.; Durrani, Z. A. K.,
Resonant tunnelling features in a suspended silicon nanowire single-hole transistor.
Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (22). DOI: 10.1063/1.4936757.
65. Llobet, J.; Sansa, M.; Lorenzoni, M.; Borrise, X.; Paulo, A. S.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Tuning piezoresistive transduction in nanomechanical resonators by geometrical asymmetries.
Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (7). DOI: 10.1063/1.4928709.
66. Lopez-Polin, G.; Gomez-Navarro, C.; Parente, V.; Guinea, F.; Katsnelson, M. I.; Perez-Murano, F.; Gomez-Herrero, J.,
Increasing the elastic modulus of graphene by controlled defect creation.
Nature Physics 2015, 11 (1), 26-31. DOI: 10.1038/nphys3183.
67. Lorenzoni, M.; Evangelio, L.; Nicolet, C.; Navarro, C.; Paulo, A. S.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Nanomechanical properties of solvent cast PS and PMMA polymer blends and block co-polymers.
In Alternative Lithographic Technologies Vii, Resnick, D. J.; Bencher, C., Eds. 2015; Vol. 9423. DOI: 94232510.1117/12.2085829.
68. Lorenzoni, M.; Evangelio, L.; Nicolet, C.; Navarro, C.; San Paulo, A.; Rius, G.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Nanomechanical properties of solvent cast polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer blends and self-assembled block copolymers.
Journal of Micro-Nanolithography Mems and Moems 2015, 14 (3). DOI: 10.1117/1.jmm.14.3.033509.
69. Lorenzoni, M.; Evangelio, L.; Verhaeghe, S.; Nicolet, C.; Navarro, C.; Perez-Murano, F.,
Assessing the Local Nanomechanical Properties of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Thin Films by Peak Force Tapping.
Langmuir 2015, 31 (42), 11630-11638. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b02595.
70. Lorenzoni, M.; Giugni, A.; Di Fabrizio, E.; Perez-Murano, F.; Mescola, A.; Torre, B.,
Nanoscale reduction of graphene oxide thin films and its characterization.
Nanotechnology 2015, 26 (28). DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/28/285301.
71. Lupu, S.; Lete, C.; del Campo, F. J.,
Dopamine Electroanalysis Using Electrochemical Biosensors Prepared by a Sinusoidal Voltages Method.
Electroanalysis 2015, 27 (7), 1649-1659. DOI: 10.1002/elan.201400680.
72. Macias-Montero, J. G.; Sarraj, M.; Chmeissani, M.; Martinez, R.; Puigdengoles, C.,
A 2D 4x4 Channel Readout ASIC for Pixelated CdTe Detectors for Medical Imaging Applications.
Ieee Transactions on Nuclear Science 2015, 62 (5), 2327-2333. DOI: 10.1109/tns.2015.2465377.
73. Maeso-Diaz, R.; Illa, X.; Vila, S.; Yeste, J.; Marrone, G.; Navarro-Zornoza, M.; Peralta, C.; Villa, R.; Gracia-Sancho, J.,
Journal of Hepatology 2015, 62, S339-S340. DOI: 10.1016/S0168-8278(15)30325-1
74. Maestro, M.; Martin-Martinez, J.; Diaz, J.; Crespo-Yepes, A.; Gonzalez, M. B.; Rodriguez, R.; Campabadal, F.; Nafria, M.; Aymerich, X.,
Analysis of Set and Reset mechanisms in Ni/HfO2-based RRAM with fast ramped voltages.
Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 147, 176-179. DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2015.04.057.
75. Margarit, J. M.; Vergara, G.; Villamayor, V.; Gutierrez-Alvarez, R.; Fernandez-Montojo, C.; Teres, L.; Serra-Graells, F.,
A 2 kfps Sub-mu W/Pix Uncooled-PbSe Digital Imager With 10 Bit DR Adjustment and FPN Correction for High-Speed and Low-Cost MWIR Applications.
Ieee Journal of Solid-State Circuits 2015, 50 (10), 2394-2405. DOI: 10.1109/jssc.2015.2464672.
76. Marigo, E.; Sansa, M.; Perez-Murano, F.; Uranga, A.; Barniol, N.,
Top-Down CMOS-NEMS Polysilicon Nanowire with Piezoresistive Transduction.
Sensors 2015, 15 (7), 17036-17047. DOI: 10.3390/s150717036.
77. Marquez, S.; Alvarez, M.; Farina, D.; Dominguez, C.; Lechuga, L. M.,
Simulation and characterization of hollow microbridge resonators for label-free biosensing.
In Bio-Mems and Medical Microdevices Ii, VanDenDriesche, S., Ed. 2015; Vol. 9518. DOI: 95180u10.1117/12.2178981.
78. Martinez-Tong, D. E.; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, A.; Nogales, A.; Garcia-Gutierrez, M. C.; Perez-Murano, F.; Llobet, J.; Ezquerra, T. A.; Rebollar, E.,
Laser Fabrication of Polymer Ferroelectric Nanostructures for Nonvolatile Organic Memory Devices.
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Fabrication and characterization of a micro‐reformer unit fully integrated in silicon for ethanol conversion.
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93. Pla, D.; Sanchez-Gonzalez, A.; Garbayo, I.; Salleras, M.; Morata, A.; Tarancon, A.,
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95. Pujol-Vila, F.; Vigues, N.; Diaz-Gonzalez, M.; Munoz-Berbel, X.; Mas, J.,
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96. Rio-Cristobal, A.; Guimera, A.; Traver, E.; Morejon, A.; Herrero, C.; Villa, R.; Jonuscheit, S.; Martin, R.; Maldonado, M. J.,
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97. Rius, C.; Ackermann, T. N.; Dorado, B.; Munoz-Berbel, X.; Andres, V.; Llobera, A.,
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98. Rius, G.; Lorenzoni, M.; Matsui, S.; Tanemura, M.; Perez-Murano, F.,
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99. Rodriguez, A. F.; Basaran, A. C.; Morales, R.; Kovylina, M.; Llobet, J.; Borrise, X.; Marcus, M. A.; Scholl, A.; Schuller, I. K.; Batlle, X.; Labarta, A.,
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100. Rodriguez, A.; Gonzalez, M. B.; Campabadal, F.; Sune, J.; Miranda, E.,
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103. Rodriguez-Ruiz, I.; Conejero-Muriel, M.; Ackermann, T. N.; Gavira, J. A.; Llobera, A.,
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116. Villena, M. A.; Gonzalez, M. B.; Roldan, J. B.; Campabadal, F.; Jimenez-Molinos, F.; Gomez-Campos, F. M.; Sune, J.,
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Papers Not Web of Science
1. Abramova, N.; Bratov, A.,
Application of Photocured Polymer Ion Selective Membranes for Solid-State Chemical Sensors.
Chemosensors 2015, vol. 3, 190-199.
2. Brull, M.; Gutiérrez, M.; Jimenez-Jorquera, C.,
El análisis organoléptico del agua de consumo humano utilizando microsensores.
Tecnoaqua 2015,15, 76-82.
3. Florentin, M.; Rafí, J.M.; Chevallier, F.G.; Soler Rosales, V.; Konczewicz, L.; Contreras, S.; Juillaguet, S.; Montserrat, J.; Godignon, P.,
Study of Geometrical Effects in Charge Pumping Current for Lateral SiC nMOSFETs Electrical Characterization.
Materials Science Forum 2015, vol. 821-823, 717-720.