Biosensors Laboratory
The Biolab is dedicated to the development of Biosensors and Biointerfaces. Work in this laboratory stresses the highly interdisciplinary character of biosensing, which lies at the boundary between microbiology, electrochemistry, physics and electronics
Main activities
- Electrochemical measurements (Potentiometric, Amperometric, Impedimetric characterization).
- Surface functionalization (Bioincubation).
- Evaluation of sensor for application in different areas
- Development of microfluidic systems.
- Spectrophotometric measurements (UV-Vis detection, ELISA).
- Optical inspection.
- Electrochemical instrumentation
- 1 Potentiostat/Galvanostat/Frequency Response Analysis AUTOLAB/PGSTAT12
- 1 Potentiostat/Galvanostat AUTOLAB/ µAUTOLAB III
- 2 Multipotentiostat 8 chanels CH Instruments /1030A/B
- 1 Bipotentiostat 2 chanels CH Instruments/ 750C
- 1 Impedance/gain-phase analyzer Solartron/ SI 1260
- 1 Electrochemical interface Solartron/SI 1287
- 1 Impedance interface Solartron /1294
- 1 multimeter Keithley /2000
- pH meters Metrohm /827 pH lab//Crison /GLP22
- Conductivity meter Crison /GLP31
- Spectrophotometers
- 1 Spectophotometer Beckman Coulter /DU 730
- 1 ELISA reader Thermo Electron/ Multiskan EX
- 2 USB Spectrometers Ocean Optics
- Microscopes
- 1 Microscope Leica /DM 4000M
- 1 Stereomicroscope Olympus /SZX7
- Microbiology
- Thermostatic incubator Hatch Lange S.L.U./ Lovibond
- Laminar flow hood Telstar BV-1000
- Autoclave Selecta/ Presoclave-II
- Microcentrifuge Orto Alresa/ Biocen 20
- Heater Selecta/ Digiheat
- Centrifuge
- Other instrumentation
- 3 Syringe Pumps New Era Pump Systems/ NE-1000/NE-4000
- 1 Peristaltic Pump Gilson /Minipuls 3
- Ultrasonic bath Elma Ultrasonic/ LC 20H
- Stirrers Asincro/ 7000379
Contact person
Gemma Gabriel