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02 Oct 2023

IMB-CNM organizes activities for all ages for the European Research Night 2023

Nine people from IMB-CNM have contributed to spread the word about this scientific event held at European level with seven different activities that have been distributed between Barcelona, Girona, Sant Cugat and Cerdanyola del Vallès.

Muntatge de les activitats fetes per la Nit de la Recerca


The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) participates every year in the European Research Night, held last week, in which this time has coordinated the organization of two workshops for young people, two micro-talks and several talks in schools. More than 100 people attended the different activities, which ranged from power electronics to energy generation and proton radiotherapy.

In total, the IMB-CNM has collaborated in seven different activities in which nine people from the center have participated, 2 women and 7 men.

El color estructural: dels camaleons a les noves tecnologies

The postdoctoral researcher Ferran Pujol gave a micro-talk at the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona on Tuesday, September 26. In it, Pujol discussed structural color and its presence and importance in nature and in different types of living organisms, as well as the artificial creation of structural color and its application in new technologies, such as in the Tecniospring Industry project (co-funded by MSCA), in the development of mechanical sensors with chromatic response. The researcher gave practical examples of structural color devices manufactured by the Micro and Nano Tools Group (MNTL), of which he is a member, and some small live demonstration.

La física en la radioteràpia: la importància de creuar disciplines

Predoctoral researcher Carla Riera-Llobet (Radiation Detectors Group) participated in the Science Slam organized by the CSIC centers in Catalonia and coordinated by the CSIC Delegation, in which research personnel from different disciplines and centers participate. It was held at the civic center of Barcelona Vil-la Urània on Wednesday 27. The talk was about his thesis topic and the use of machine learning to improve proton radiotherapy techniques, a very precise treatment that minimizes damage to healthy neighboring organs and structures surrounding the tumor that is being investigated in recent years for its high accuracy.


Predoctoral researcher Mercedes Saludes (Microfabrication and integration of sensors and energy sources group, MESSI) coordinated a stand at the Fira de la Recerca de Girona, at Plaça Salvador Espriu during the afternoon of Friday 27th. The workshop demonstrated the functions of different electronic circuits and showed some basic microelectronic fabrication processes.

L'energia al palmell de la mà

Researchers Marc Salleras, Íñigo Martín y Álex Rodríguez (MESSI) were at the Fira de la Investigació del CosmoCaixa in Barcelona, with a workshop on energy generation and storage that lasted the afternoon of Friday 27th.

Mètodes no-invasius per la caracterització termo-elèctrica de dispositus semiconductors

Oriol Avinyò (Power Devices and Systems Group, PDS) gave a virtual micro-talk on power semiconductor devices and how they handle electrical energy management. In addition, he explained the measures to control their reliability and the different thermoelectric characterization techniques that exist. The talk can be retrieved on the Nit de la Recerca youtube channel.

Micro y Nanotecnologias en Investigación Biomédica

The researcher of the Biomedical Applications Group (GAB) José Yeste also gave a virtual talk explaining briefly the evolution of microelectronics applied to biomedicine. Yeste explained how chips are manufactured, how transistors are integrated and the current status of their development in biomedical applications, such as pacemakers and hearing aids.

People have the power! Una història sobre una altra ventafocs: l'electrònica de potencia

PDS group researcher Xavier Perpiñá participated in the Matí de la Recerca with a talk that he took to different schools in Sant Cugat (Liceu Politècnic) and Cerdanyola del Vallès (INS Gorgs and INS Banús).

European Researchers' Night

The European Researchers' Night is a public event dedicated to the dissemination of science throughout Europe and organized in Catalonia through the Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC). The aim is to bring research, innovation and its protagonists to the public of all ages in an agile and fun way.

Every year in more than 300 cities in 30 European countries at the same time. In Catalonia, more than 200 activities take place in Catalonia, including talks, workshops, experiments, shows and games, throughout the week.

The European Night of Researchers is an initiative of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Association and is the largest event of communication and promotion of research that takes place in the EU Member States and countries associated with Horizon Europe.

  • Ferran Pujol en la Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez de Barcelona con la charla "El color estructural: dels camaleons a les noves tecnologies".
  • Ferran Pujol en la Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez de Barcelona con la charla "El color estructural: dels camaleons a les noves tecnologies".
  • Carla Riera Llobet en Vil·la Urània para el Science Slam de los centros CSIC en Cataluña.
  • Carla Riera Llobet junto al resto de ponentes en Vil·la Urània para el Science Slam de los centros CSIC en Cataluña.
  • Carla Riera Llobet en Vil·la Urània para el Science Slam de los centros CSIC en Cataluña.
  • Íñigo Martín, Marc Salleras y Álex Rodríguez en el CosmoCaixa de Barcelona.
  • Íñigo Martín y Álex Rodríguez en el CosmoCaixa de Barcelona.
  • Marc Salleras en el CosmoCaixa de Barcelona.
  • Montaje de circuitos electrónicos en la Fira de la Recerca de Girona.
  • Montaje de circuitos electrónicos en la Fira de la Recerca de Girona.
  • Portada de la charla virtual de Oriol Aviñó.
  • Xavier Perpiñá dando una charla en el INS Gorgs de Cerdanyola del Vallès.
  • Xavier Perpiñá dando una charla en el INS Gorgs de Cerdanyola del Vallès.
  • Xavier Perpiñá dando una charla en el INS Gorgs de Cerdanyola del Vallès.
  • Charla de Xavier Perpiñá en el Liceu Politècnic de Sant Cugat.
  • Charla de Xavier Perpiñá en el Liceu Politècnic de Sant Cugat.