The IMB-CNM awards the winning teams of the contest “Un microchip muy grande”
The awards ceremony of the “Un microchip muy grande” contest, held today at the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona, rewards the winning teams and the work done around microelectronics.

An institute from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and another from Manresa have won the first prize in the two categories of the "Un microchip muy grande" competition, a project developed by the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM, CSIC) and co-funded by the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation - Ministry of Science and Innovation (FECYT) during the 2022-2023 academic year.
The competition, which was open to compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate and formative cycles, both public and private throughout the country, aimed to stimulate scientific curiosity in microelectronics among pre-university students. Received proposals were from schools and institutes in Catalonia, Extremadura, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands and Castilla y León.
The works received were evaluated according to their academic level and to the evaluation criteria set out in the call: contextualization, objectives, originality, relation to microelectronics (and in particular to the transistor), success in results, writing, citations, visualization of communities, sustainability, images and extension.
The winning teams will receive a €500 voucher for electronic materials, a multimeter and a visit to the IMB-CNM Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room. Second and third place winners will receive an Arduino kit. In addition, all participating teams will receive a commemorative wafer for their participation in the competition.
Winning teams
In the Baccalaureate category (M2), the first prize was awarded to the work "Contador digital (La máquina de los huevos)”, done by a group of six students from IES Isabel de España (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Paula Rodríguez Puerta, Alexia Iglesias Rodríguez, Aday Sosa Barreiro, Aldo Tocino Martín, Ismael Cabrera Sosa and Omar Estévez Santana; under the supervision of teacher Olga Gonzalo Bartolomé.
The second prize went to the proposal "Disseny d'una Unitat Aritmeticològica", prepared by Marta Isabel Antich Fernández, Catalina Maria Bennàsar Gamundí, Vicenç Calafell Bauza, Nuria Femenias Rojas, Santiago Galan Alomar, Berta Margenats Duran, Júlia Peña Ramis, Llucia Santandreu Veny and Arnau Tortella Uris, from the first year of the Baccalaureate at IES Manacor (Mallorca), under the guidance of teacher Antoni Ramírez Duran.
The third prize was awarded to Raúl Sánchez Ciria and Sara Abadía Varela for their work on "El transistor y sus aplicaciones en la informática", first year baccalaureate students at I.E.S. Diego de Praves (Valladolid), with their teacher Laura Gómez Carriazo.
In the category of Formative Cycles (M3), the first prize was awarded to the work "Circuit detector de llum basat en un transistor", prepared by Edgar Selles Giralt and David Mellado Remalho, students in the first year of the Intermediate Degree in Electricity and Electronics at the Institut Lacetània (Manresa), under the guidance of teachers Alexandre Pérez and Josep Llordella.
The Compulsory Secondary Education category (M1) is declared deserted, although a special mention is given to the work "Simulación del encendido automático del alumbrado público y Seguidor en línea", by Gabriel Ácaro Sánchez, Juan Miguel Carcaboso García, Mario Carríl Rodríguez, Marcos García Ruiz, Gabriel Hernández Benito and Irene Mendoza López, 4th ESO students from IESO Cáparra (Cáceres) in Extremadura with the teacher José Antonio López López.
The awards ceremony was held at the IMB-CNM facilities on the morning of 22 September. Researcher Elisabet Prats conducted the gala and the center's director, Luis Fonseca, gave the institutional welcome.