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08 Nov 2021

The IMB-CNM opens its doors for the Setmana de la Ciència 2021 and many more activities

The IMB-CNM participates in the organization of a round table for the anniversary of the creation of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and organizes Open Days throughout the Setmana de la Ciència. Come and meet us!

SC21 Portes Obertes Museu


#SC21CAT Portes obertes IMB-CNM: Visita guiada al Museu de Microelectrònica "Zenon Navarro"

Would you like to know how chips are made? And where are they made? The Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona is once again organizing open days during the Setmana de la Ciència. The center organizes guided tours at the "Zenon Navarro" Museum of Microelectronics (within the institute, in Cerdanyola de Vallès, Barcelona).

The visits will make a historical journey to the present day, tracing the first silicon chips manufactured at the IMB-CNM. The public will be able to meet first-hand CSIC researchers, who will show them how a silicon chip is made. The space exhibits equipment used for the design, manufacture and measurement of microelectronic devices and circuits, as well as interactive videos, information panels and prototypes of devices and circuits. The visit includes a tour of the outer corridor of the Micro and Nanofabrication Clean Room (one of the Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures of the Ministry of Science and Innovation).

Approximate duration of the visit: 45 minutes.

Visits are from Monday to Friday and reservations are made at the following links:

#SC21CAT 40è aniversari del Microscopi d’Efecte Túnel (STM) i 35è aniversari del Microscopi de Forces Atòmiques: Del primer STM a Catalunya als microscopis actuals


40th anniversary of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and 35th anniversary of the Atomic Forces Microscope (AFM): From the first STM in Catalonia to the current microscopes

With the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the development of the STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope) and 35th of the Atomic Forces Microscope (AFM), cornerstones of the nanotechnology revolution, we celebrate the anniversary of the installation of the first STM in Catalonia, at the Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​where it can still be seen today.

The event "From the first STM in Catalonia to the current microscopes" will be a hybrid event (face-to-face and virtual) that will review the past, present and future of the STM and the advances it meant for microscopy and the nanotechnology revolution. It will feature interventions by researchers who were involved in the first steps of the STM in Catalonia or who are currently working on its various applications, there will be a round table, a connection with a live laboratory and a competition with questions for the audience.

Reservations must be made by filling out the following form:


    12:00 h            Benvinguda institucional, Gemma Garcia, Degana de la Facultat de Ciències de la UAB
    12:05 h            Història de l’STM a la UAB, Núria Barniol, UAB
    12:20 h            Algunes curiositats i fets rellevants dels inicis de l'STM, Francesc Pérez-Murano, IMB-CNM
    12:35 h            Commemoració Fausto Sanz, Jordi Fraxedas, ICN2
    12:50 h            Directe des de l’ICN2 – Laboratori "Scanning tunneling microscope"
    13:00 h            Noves i futures funcionalitats de l’AFM, Albert Verdaguer, ICMAB
    13:15 h            Concurs Kahoot/Menti, Joana Pi-Suñer, ICN2
    13:20 h            Taula rodona moderada per Anna May amb: Núria Barniol, Jordi Fraxedas, Albert Verdaguer, Francesc Pérez-Murano

Setmana de la Ciència 2021 in Catalunya