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IMB-CNM Thesis Defense: Design and Optimization of a Low-Power RISC-V Processor for NDIR Measurement of CO2 Levels


18 Dec 2023
Sala d'Actes Pepe Millán, IMB-CNM

IMB-CNM PhD Thesis Defense: Design and Optimization of a Low-Power RISC-V Processor for NDIR Measurement of CO2 Levels

By Ricardo Núñez Prieto


  • Lluís Terés (IMB-CNM)
  • David Castells
  • Narcís Avellana

PhD in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (UAB)

In this presentation, the Ph.D. candidate will discuss his research focusing on optimizing processor performance for the specific application of CO2 concentration sensing. The presentation will cover the background of the study, the methodologies employed, and the main results obtained so far. The seminar will show how targeted processor optimizations can enhance both energy efficiency and performance in real-world CO2 sensing applications.